Fatigue Relief Gel

fatigue gel with hyaluronic acid for joint and muscle pain. www.jointrescue.co.uk

Novisport has been developed primarily for sports people. We stock two products in the range as we have had such good results, from these topically applied gels which contains Hyaluronic Acid, with non sports people.

Novisport Fatigue Muscle Relief Gel performs a rapid antispasmodic/fatigue-relieving action; reducing the feeling of heaviness, swelling and soreness.

Novisport Fatigue Muscle Relief Gel contains the natural trace elements Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Iron and Calcium. These perform a crucial role in catalysing all biological reactions, reducing recovery time.

Active ingredients: Hyaluronan, trace elements from natural polypeptides, Horse chestnut (to help eliminate swelling and heaviness), Arnica & Calendula (Anti-inflammatory and analgesic action), Amni visnaga phytosomes (Vaso-kinetic action which improves the local venous microcirculation).

Novisport Fatigue Muscle Relief Gel leaves the skin smooth and soft and does not require much massaging.

Foot Soreness Relief Gel

foot gel for joint and muscle relief. Contain Hyaluronic Acid. www.jointrescue.co.uk

Specifically designed to treat connective tissue damaged by friction/stress suffered by the foot in  footwear, Novisport Foot Soreness Relief Gel performs an effective calming/soothing action; this special formula acts rapidly at local vasokinetic level, promoting the reduction of swelling and soreness due to compression and rubbing.

Active ingredients: Hyaluronan, Glycolic extract of calendula + glycyrrhetic acid + bisabolol (a calming/soothing action reducing skin inflammations, performing a softening effect which is especially useful in the most delicate skin areas), Glycolic extract of arnica + glycolic extract of witch-hazel (with anti-swelling properties, they help to rapidly alleviate pain. These adjuvants are regularly used in the treatment of acute traumatic lymphoedema (caused by bone fractures, pulled muscles, acute capsuloligamentous disorders or ligament laxity), hard post-traumatic lymphoedema (caused by bruises or sprains), and lymphoedema caused by plaster casts or lengthy immobilisation), Vitamin A (antioxidant action which protects the cells against aging and the degenerative damage, promoting tissue growth and repair (epidermal level). Together with Hyaluronan, which acts at dermal level, it makes Novisport Foot Soreness Relief Gel particularly useful in cases of de-epithelialisation caused by minor traumas).

The moisturising components in Novisport Foot Soreness Relief Gel gives a soft, pleasant feel and leaves the skin smooth and does not require much massaging.